Weather in Stavanger
Stavanger is a year-round destination, but it’s in the summertime – from May to September – that the city really gets into its stride with open-air festivals and a general party feel. At best, the temperatures peak around 17°C (62°F) in the summer, with outdoor pursuits from walking to surfing popular. Due to its coastal location, winters are mild with temperatures dropping to around 4°C (40°F). However, the city is a gateway to nearby ski resorts.
Weather (night) | Temp (min night) | Rain (mm) | Wind (mph) | Humidity Pressure Visibility | ||
Sun |
Clear skies |
1 9 °C |
2.7mm |
se |
1,020mb Good |
Mon |
Partly Cloudy Night
Partly cloudy skies |
1 9 °C |
6.4mm |
se |
1,016mb Good |
Tue |
Iso Rain Swrs Night
Light rain shower |
1 5 °C |
10.5mm |
s |
1,009mb Good |
Wed |
Iso Rain Swrs Night
Light rain shower |
1 4 °C |
8.5mm |
s |
1,014mb Good |
Thu |
Occ Light Rain
Light rain |
1 6 °C |
10.8mm |
ssw |
1,009mb Moderate |
Fri |
Iso Rain Swrs Night
Light rain shower |
1 2 °C |
7.9mm |
sw |
998mb Good |
Sat |
Iso Rain Swrs Night
Light rain shower |
1 1 °C |
3.8mm |
wnw |
1,008mb Good |
Sun |
Iso Rain Swrs Day
Light rain shower |
1 1 °C |
0mm |
nw |
1,018mb Good |
Mon |
Heavy Rain
Heavy rain |
1 2 °C |
0mm |
s |
1,011mb Moderate |
Last updated at 04:06, Tuesday 27 August
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Last updated: We update the weather data for Stavanger from our weather partner every four hours. The time the last update was received is detailed here.
Actual Forecast Location: We have 830+ weather locations on the website. Where no exact location is available we have used the nearest appropriate forecast point.
Symbols indicate the predominant weather for the day in question, calculated based on a weighting of different types of weather. So if a day is forecast to be sunny with the possibility of a brief shower, then we will see a sunny or partly cloudy symbol rather than a rain cloud. For the purpose of this forecast, 'day' is the entire 24 our period 00:00 to 23:59
The maximum temperature is the highest temperature forecast between dawn and dusk, and the minimum temperature is the lowest temperature expected from dusk on the day in question to dawn the next day. The temperature is in °C, or Celsius.
Wind speed and direction are the conditions expected at midday. Wind direction is based on a 16 point compass. W, SW, SSW, etc. The wind direction states where the wind originates. Wind speed is listed in MPH or miles per hour.
Humidity levels indicates how much water vapour the air contains compared to the maximum it could contain at that temperature. As a general guide:
- 0 to 30 is very low
- 31 to 50 is low
- 51 to 70 is moderate to low
- 71 to 80 is moderate
- 81 to 90 is moderate to high
- 91 to 100 is high
Pressure is measured in millibars (mb)
Visibility based on whether the human eye can see the following distances:
- Very poor - less than 1km
- Poor - between 1km and 4km
- Moderate - between 4km and 10km
- Good - between 10km and 20km
- Very good - between 20km and 40km
- Excellent - more than 40km
Precipitation in Stavanger
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