Money & duty free for Sudan
Exchange rates:
Currency & Money
Sudanese Pound (SDG) = 100 piasters. Notes are in denominations of SDG50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1. Coins are in denominations of 50, 20, 10, 5 and 1 piasters.
The Sudanese Pound has replaced the Sudanese Dinar, which was phased out on 30 June 2007. 1 Sudanese Pound = 100 Sudanese Dinars = 1,000 old Sudanese Pounds.
Due to recent conflicts, it is recommended to bring plenty of cash rather than rely on card transactions in Sudan.
The import and export of local currency is prohibited. The import and export of foreign currency is unlimited, subject to declaration.
Sudan duty free
The following items may be imported into Sudan by visitors over 20 years of age without incurring customs duty:
• 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 450g of tobacco.
• A reasonable amount of perfume and eau de toilette for personal use.
• A reasonable amount of gifts.
Prohibited imports include alcohol, pornographic material, pork meat and goods from Israel.
You can only import fruit, vegetables, meat and fish with the approval of the Ministry of Animal and Fish Resources. To import firearms, you must obtain permission from the Ministry of Interior.