Djibouti Health Care and Vaccinations

Title Special precautions


Hepatitis A










Yellow Fever


* A yellow fever vaccination certificate is required from travellers over one year of age coming from infected areas.

Health insurance is advisable. Doctors and hospitals may expect immediate cash payment for any form of medical treatment.

Food and drink

Mains water is normally heavily chlorinated and, whilst relatively safe, may cause mild abdominal upsets. Bottled water is available and is advised for the first few weeks of the stay. Drinking water outside main cities and towns is likely to be contaminated and sterilisation is considered essential. Milk is unpasteurised and should be boiled. Powdered or tinned milk is available and is advised. Avoid dairy products which are likely to have been made from unboiled milk. Only eat well-cooked meat and fish. Vegetables should be cooked and fruit peeled.

Other risks

Diarrhoeal disease, giardiasis and dysentery are widespread throughout the country. Bilharzia (schistosomiasis) is present; avoid swimming and paddling in fresh water. It is recommended to avoid walking bare foot, even on beaches. Hepatitis B and E occur and precautions should be taken. Meningococcal meningitis risk exists, depending on area and time of year. Rabies is present. For those at high risk, vaccination before arrival should be considered. If you are bitten, seek medical advice without delay.

Visa and passport information is updated regularly and is correct at the time of publishing. You should verify critical travel information independently with the relevant embassy before you travel.