Money & duty free for Solomon Islands
Exchange rates:
Solomon Islands DollarC$1 = SI$5.79
€1 = SI$8.08
£1 = SI$9.62
US$1 = SI$7.77
Currency & Money
Solomon Islands Dollar (SBD; symbol SI$) = 100 cents. Notes are in denominations of SI$50, 20, 10, 5 and 2. Coins are in denominations of SI$1, and 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cents.
All major credit cards are widely accepted in hotels and tourist resorts. There are three ATMs in Honiara.
Can be exchanged at banks, of which there are three in the major towns. To avoid additional exchange rate charges, travellers are advised to take traveller's cheques in Australian Dollars or Pounds Sterling.
The import of local and foreign currency is unlimited provided it is declared upon arrival. The export of foreign currency is unlimited and the export of local currency must not exceed SI$250.
Solomon Islands duty free
The following items may be imported into the Solomon Islands by travellers aged 18 years and older without incurring customs duty:
• 200 cigarettes or 250g of cigars or 225g of tobacco.
• 2L of wine or spirits.
• Other goods up to a value of SI$3,000 (SI$1,500 for travellers under 18).
Prohibited goods include counterfeit coins and currency, indecent articles and films, honey, matches containing white or yellow phosphorus, narcotics, Royal Arms, flick knives and war relics.
Restricted goods include alcohol (including brandy, whisky and rum), arms and ammunition, cannabis, worn clothing, tobacco (more than 200 cigarettes), electrical equipment and fireworks.
Fruit and vegetables require an import permit, except those from New Zealand.