Money & duty free for Sierra Leone
Exchange rates:
LeoneC$1 = SLL4135.17
€1 = SLL5764.12
£1 = SLL6865.65
US$1 = SLL5547
Currency & Money
1 Leone (SLE) = 100 cents. Old notes are in denominations of SLE 10,000, 5,000, 2,000, 1,000. Old coins are in denominations of SLE500, 100 and 50 and 10. New notes are in denominations of SLE 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 Le. New coins are in denominations of 50, 25, 10, 5 and 1 cent.
Credit cards (Visa only) are accepted in some shops, supermarkets, hotels and restaurants in Freetown.
ATMs are few and far between in Sierra Leone. There are a number of ATMs (Visa only) in Freetown and a few in other major centres such as Bo, Kenema, Makeni and Koidu. Some are not internationally connected, and these are often liable to fraud. There are no Mastercard cashpoints in Sierra Leone.
The ATM system is not yet developed enough for elaborate scam schemes to have been put in place, however, it is advisable to exercise caution and use common sense when taking money out from an ATM.
Like anywhere in the world, caution when dealing with money in public places is suggested.
These are generally not recommended as opportunities to cash them are limited, but they can be exchanged at a number of banks.
The import and export of local currency is limited to Le50,000. The foreign currency being brought into the country must be declared upon arrival but is not limited. The export of foreign currency must not exceed the amount declared upon arrival.