Money & duty free for East Timor

Exchange rates:

US Dollar
C$1 = US$0.75
€1 = US$1.04
£1 = US$1.24

Currency & Money

Currency information

The US Dollar (US$) is the official currency. For local transactions, the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) may be accepted in border areas, but this should not be relied on.

Credit cards

These can only currently be used in the very few expensive hotels in East Timor. Cirrus/Maestro credit cards can be used to withdraw US Dollars from an ATM.


Cirrus/Maestro credit cards can be used to withdraw US Dollars from an ATM.

Travellers cheques

Traveller's cheques are not widely exchangeable. Only some top-of-the-range hotels may be able to exchange them.

Banking hours

Mon-Fri 0930-1530.

Currency restriction

Amounts equivalent to US$5,000 and up to US$20,000 must be declared on arrival. Permission from the Central Bank of Timor-Leste is required to import amounts equivalent to over US$20,000.

Currency exchange

Travellers should take plenty of cash. Both the Australian ANZ bank and the Portuguese Banco Nacional Ultramarino have branches in Dili. Banks will not exchange Pounds Sterling.

East Timor duty free

The following may be imported into East Timor by travellers aged 17 years and over without incurring customs duty:

• 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos or 75 cigars or 30g of tobacco or a proportional assortment of these products.
• 1.5L of spirits of more than 22% volume.
• 5L of wine.
• 75ml of perfume and 375ml of eau de toilette.
• 1kg of coffee.
• 200g of tea or 80g of tea essence.
• Medicines for personal use.

The maximum value of goods is US$300.

Banned imports


If you wish to import live animals and plants or animal and plant products, you must obtain a licence.

Visa and passport information is updated regularly and is correct at the time of publishing. You should verify critical travel information independently with the relevant embassy before you travel.
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