Money & duty free for Angola

Exchange rates:

C$1 = AOA123.68
€1 = AOA172.59
£1 = AOA205.56
US$1 = AOA165.91

Currency & Money

Currency information

Kwanza (AOA) = 100 centimos. Notes are in denominations of AOA2000, 1000, 500, 200, 100, 50, 10 and 5. Coins are in denominations of AOA5, 2, 1.

Credit cards

Credit cards are not generally accepted. American Express, Diners Club and Visa enjoy limited acceptance. Some larger hotels and resturants in Luanda have started taking credit cards.


ATMs can be found in major towns and cities, especially in the capital city of Luanda, where there are many major banks and ATM machines. However, many do not accept foreign cards so taking cash is advisable.

Travellers cheques

Traveller's cheques are accepted.

Banking hours

Mon-Fri 0845-1600.

Currency restriction

New regulations on currency restricions came into effect on 27 February 2012. Residents may import or export the equivalent of US$15,000 in foreign currency whilst for non-residents the limit is US$10,000. Sums over these respective limits must be declared. If you wish to re-export currency over the US$15,000 limit you will need to show your original declaration form to the customs authority at the airport. The ban on exporting Kwanzas has been lifted and in addition to dollars or foreign currency, both Angolan residents and foreigners may export up to 50,000 Kwanzas.

Currency exchange

Money should be exchanged at official bureaux de change only, which can be found throughout the country, but particularly in Luanda (changing money on the black market is illegal). US Dollars are also widely accepted. Cash withdrawal is not possible.

Angola duty free

The following items may be imported into Angola without incurring customs duty:
• 200 cigarettes or 250 g of tobacco or 50 cigars or 500 g of mixed tobacco products (per passenger aged 18 and over).
• 1 liter of spirits and 2 liters of wine (per passenger aged 18 and over);
New goods up to the value of over 1 million kwanza must be declared.
Banned imports

Prohibited and restricted imports include goods which infringe copyright and endangered species.

Banned exports

Prohibited and restricted exports include endangered species and items of historical, artistic and archaeological value.

Visa and passport information is updated regularly and is correct at the time of publishing. You should verify critical travel information independently with the relevant embassy before you travel.